Join tALISMAN 2024-25
Welcome to the first step in joining the Talisman family! We know that there are so many great activities and groups at Stanford, so we’re thrilled you are considering Talisman. Please note that the group is open to Stanford students only.
Feel free to check out 2020's A Cappella O-Show to get an idea about what we are all about!
The Audition Process

In regular circumstances, auditions take place during the first week of Fall Quarter. To sign up for an audition slot, find us at the Talisman table in White Plaza during NSO and Week 1 of Fall Quarter. Be sure to arrive at your audition 10-15 minutes early to fill out an introductory form.
We’ll ask you to sing some scales at the piano, ascending and descending, to warm up your voice and to determine your range. Then, we’ll ask you to sing about 30 seconds of any song you’ve prepared for us. People ask us all the time what they should sing for their audition song; believe us when we say that anything you choose is absolutely fine! We’ve heard everything from foreign folk songs to “Happy Birthday," and everything in between. We don’t judge your song choice, so feel free to sing anything that you’d like that best showcases your voice.
We’ll ask you to sing some scales at the piano, ascending and descending, to warm up your voice and to determine your range. Then, we’ll ask you to sing about 30 seconds of any song you’ve prepared for us. People ask us all the time what they should sing for their audition song; believe us when we say that anything you choose is absolutely fine! We’ve heard everything from foreign folk songs to “Happy Birthday," and everything in between. We don’t judge your song choice, so feel free to sing anything that you’d like that best showcases your voice.